Saturday, 7 February 2015

Slowly, slowly catch your monkey

A couple of cold weeks back in the UK didn't inspire, but coming back to the spring like warmth has spurred me into action again. I have much work to do in the next few weeks in preparation for shows etc. My new studio space is waiting on permits so I am having to be very patient. This is Gozo and everything moves at a snail's pace...slowly slowly catch your monkey ! I am itching to get in and slap a bit of paint around and generally tidy up. 

Anyway, in the meantime I have been busy working on more driftwood paintings and enjoying some fabulous walks.


  1. Gorgeous textures Sarah.

  2. Thank you Robyn. It's lovely to work on wood. I find by putting a coat of gesso on fist it gives a nice surface to paint on without losing the grain.
