Expressive Painting Workshop
Wednesday 26th November
10am – 3pm
day workshop. For novice and experienced painters alike. A chance to spend a
day painting in a spontaneous and fearless way, using basic painting techniques
in an innovative and self-expressive way. Sarah Baird will facilitate
throughout and give a short talk at the start on use of colour, mark making and
encouragement on exploring the process. Sarah will also give a handout sheet
with the basic principles so that you can continue with this exciting work at
Donation to The Mill Room
To book a place call into The Mill Room Studios. Or find us on facebook: The Mill Room Studios
What you need
Bring a large canvas or board to work on. The bigger the better. 70cm is a good
size to start ! No smaller than 50x50cm.
A good selection of acrylic paint colours.
A selection of cheap brushes inc a fine brush.
A sense of fun is essential and please leave all preconceived ideas of what a
painting should look like at home !
This is where it all began a few weeks ago. Faith and I spent a very lovely day painting intuitively. (There was some angst that needed exorcising!) People wandered through the Mill Room as we painted, some more interested than others at our mad workings. The general census of opinion was that we should hold regular workshops there and encourage painters and non painters alike to have a go.
So here we are holding our first workshop of this kind, tomorrow. I will be facilitating and am looking forward to it. We already have 8 people signed up but can take a couple more. Alternatively wait for the next one in a month's time.
After 5 hour's work we have propelled ourselves into a whole new way or working. Things will never be the same again.
We will offering workshops once a month which will include mixed media and collage, paper making and much more. Keep an eye out for what's going on at our facebook page. If anyone is interested in learning wood turning techniques let us know. We may be able to offer this in the New Year.
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