Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Beaut !

January 26th and the weather is wonderful for the time of year. With renewed energy after a bout of airoplane circulated bugs, I felt a energizing day coming on. Familiarising my self with with a footpath route Raffi and I set off for a walk on the cliffs above Cable bay.
What a view, it was particularly breathtaking today as the terraced feilds are already begining to colour with the bright yellow of the wild flower Oxalis pes-caprae.

Past the ancient cart ruts to view Comino and Malta beyond. I am not sure where the ancient peoples were going with their carts down this track as it's a fairly hazardous way down through the garrigue to the water ! Perhaps the terrain has changed in the last thousand or so years. There is also evidence of the fault that joined Comino to Gozo. All very interesting and absolutely beautiful.


  1. Beautiful landscape Sarah! And loved your evocative narration taking me back in time and place.

  2. Thanks Chrispy. This Island is truly stunning at this time of year, before all the vegetation gets burned off round about June. Then it takes on a new and quite different persona !
